Alpha Cares

alpha cares's phone number is 17133829292 .

Alpha Cares started with a sincere desire to make a difference in the ever-growing child care sector. We have developed a revolutionary approach that helps eliminate frustrations and uncertainty associated with the child care business, especially in the area of business logistics. With encouragement and support from Marty Appelbaum, founder of the largest teacher training organization in the U.S. (Appelbaum Training Institute), our team took this vision of how software technology could positively impact child care providers. What evolved was Alpha Cares and its powerful,...

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Alpha Cares started with a sincere desire to make a difference in the ever-growing child care sector. We have developed a revolutionary approach that helps eliminate frustrations and uncertainty associated with the child care business, especially in the area of business logistics. With encouragement and support from Marty Appelbaum, founder of the largest teacher training organization in the U.S. (Appelbaum Training Institute), our team took this vision of how software technology could positively impact child care providers. What evolved was Alpha Cares and its powerful, yet easy to use program that is both user-friendly and affordable, with costs less than thirty dollars per month. It's our belief we've taken online child care management to the next level. Based in Texas, Alpha Cares has redefined the way this industry handles the intricacies involved with high quality and nurturing child care.

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View Top Employees for alpha cares
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img Industry Internet
Founded 2010
HQ 3306 Sage Terrace
Phone 1713-382-9292
img Website
img Industry Internet
img Employees 3
img Founded 2010
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img HQ 3306 Sage Terrace
img Phone 1713-382-9292

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