Ancilla College

Ancilla College's phone number is (866) 262-4552 .

A small school where you can major in a number of traditional Liberal Arts programs, Ancilla College in Donaldson, Indiana, also offers degrees in professional fields of study. As a Catholic school, Ancilla provides a spiritually focused and nurturing environment as well. Bachelor’s degrees at Ancilla College are awarded in History, Behavioral Science, Art, English, Foreign Languages, Music, Philosophy and Religion. However, you can also get degrees that will prepare you for careers in Allied Health, Business, Computer Science, Education and Nursing. Such professional de...

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A small school where you can major in a number of traditional Liberal Arts programs, Ancilla College in Donaldson, Indiana, also offers degrees in professional fields of study. As a Catholic school, Ancilla provides a spiritually focused and nurturing environment as well. Bachelor’s degrees at Ancilla College are awarded in History, Behavioral Science, Art, English, Foreign Languages, Music, Philosophy and Religion. However, you can also get degrees that will prepare you for careers in Allied Health, Business, Computer Science, Education and Nursing. Such professional degree programs are further enhanced by the internships that Ancilla College provides. A small school in a small town, Ancilla has nonetheless built, updated and renovated classrooms, labs and other facilities to offer the most current technologies and to create a new and spacious environment. While there are opportunities in student government and other campus organizations, a significant part of the student life is the campus ministry, which sponsors prayer, worship and faith groups, as well as community service and pastoral counseling. Students interested in admission to Ancilla will need to send proof of their high school diploma or GED as well as transcripts and, if available, SAT scores. Students may also apply for financial aid.

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View Top Employees for Ancilla College
img Website
img Industry Higher Education
img Location Donaldson, Indiana, United States
img Employees 42
img Founded 1937
img Website
img Industry Higher Education
img Location Donaldson, Indiana, United States
img Employees 42
img Founded 1937
img LinkedIn
img HQ 9601 Union Road
img Phone (866) 262-4552

Top Ancilla College Employees