
Avenir Telecom

Avenir Telecom's phone number is 33488006000 .

Avenir Telecom is a leading force within the mobile phone industry in Europe and offers 25 years of expertise & experience to its customers.
View Top Employees for Avenir Telecom
img Website avenir-telecom.com
img Industry Telecommunications
img Location France
img Employees 227
img Founded 1989
img HQ Les Rizeries 208 Boulevard de Plombières
img Phone 3348-800-6000
img Competitors Nokia, Vodafone, Huawei Technologies, Orange, At&T, Telefónica,
img Website avenir-telecom.com
img Industry Telecommunications
img Location France
img Employees 227
img Founded 1989
img LinkedIn linkedin.com/company/avenir-telecom
img HQ Les Rizeries 208 Boulevard de Plombières
img Phone 3348-800-6000

Top Avenir Telecom Employees