Barrington James

Barrington James's phone number is 0065 6589 0589 .

Barrington James is a uniquely successful specialist recruitment company and has recently been recognised as a BEST COMPANY To Work For by the Sunday Times. It has enjoyed an exceptional growth trajectory since its launch in 2002, and is now established in the heartlands of the international pharma, medical devices and healthcare industry with consultant staff already approaching 120, and planned to be 180 by the end of 2017.
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img Website
img Industry Pharmaceuticals
img Location Crawley, West Sussex, United Kingdom
img Employees 305
img Founded 2002
img HQ New York Office 12th Floor 1001 Avenue of the Americas
img Phone 0065 6589 0589
img Competitors Walgreens Boots Allia..., Pfizer, Cvs Health, Novartis, Gsk, Bayer,
img Website
img Industry Pharmaceuticals
img Location Crawley, West Sussex, United Kingdom
img Employees 305
img Founded 2002
img LinkedIn
img HQ New York Office 12th Floor 1001 Avenue of the Americas
img Phone 0065 6589 0589

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