

Duracell's phone number is (800) 551-2355 .

Duracell is the market leader in the professional channel. Our products provide innovative solutions in many facets for businesses, from emergency preparedness to increased productivity. Find out more about the history of our brand, get answers to frequently asked professional questions, and catch up on the latest news below.
View Top Employees for Duracell
img Website duracell.com
img Industry Consumer Goods
img Location Chicago, Illinois, United States
img Employees 2,214
img Founded 1924
img Website duracell.com
img Industry Consumer Goods
img Location Chicago, Illinois, United States
img Employees 2,214
img Founded 1924
img LinkedIn linkedin.com/company/duracell
img HQ 14 Research Drive
img Phone (800) 551-2355

Top Duracell Employees