

Kayak's phone number is (203)-899-3100 .

KAYAK helps millions of travelers around the globe make confident travel decisions. As one of the world’s leading travel search engines, KAYAK searches other sites to show travelers the information they need to find the right flights, hotels, rental cars and vacation packages. KAYAK offers a variety of tools and features such as KAYAK trips, explore, and price forecast. In addition, KAYAK also manages a portfolio of metasearch brands including: SWOODOO, checkfelix, momondo, Cheapflights, Mundi and HotelsCombined that together process 6 billion queries across our platform...

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KAYAK helps millions of travelers around the globe make confident travel decisions. As one of the world’s leading travel search engines, KAYAK searches other sites to show travelers the information they need to find the right flights, hotels, rental cars and vacation packages. KAYAK offers a variety of tools and features such as KAYAK trips, explore, and price forecast. In addition, KAYAK also manages a portfolio of metasearch brands including: SWOODOO, checkfelix, momondo, Cheapflights, Mundi and HotelsCombined that together process 6 billion queries across our platforms each year. KAYAK is part of Booking Holdings Inc. and operates sites in more than 60 countries and territories. KAYAK was launched in the US in 2004 by a team of industry leaders including Steve Hafner (CEO) a co-founder of Orbitz, Paul English (CTO) a former VP of technology at Intuit, Terrell Jones (Chairman), founder of Travelocity, and Greg Slyngstad (Director), a co-founder of Expedia.

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View Top Employees for Kayak
img Website kayak.com
img Industry Internet
img Location Stamford, Connecticut, United States
img Employees 882
img Founded 2004
img HQ 7 Market Street Stamford
img Phone (203)-899-3100
img Funding 229,000,000 USD
img Competitors Amazon, Google, Tencent, Uber, Youtube, Facebook,
img Website kayak.com
img Industry Internet
img Location Stamford, Connecticut, United States
img Employees 882
img Founded 2004
img LinkedIn linkedin.com/company/kayak
img HQ 7 Market Street Stamford
img Phone (203)-899-3100
img Funding 229,000,000 USD

Top Kayak Employees