Supermercados Masymas Fornés

Supermercados Masymas Fornés's phone number is 965760450 .

masymas Fornés supermarkets is a family company with a 100% Valencian capital, based in Pedreguer (Alicante). Nowadays, they have 130 supermarkets distributed throughout Alicante, Valencia, Castellón and Murcia. In masymas they know that their employees are their most precious asset is their employees. Therefore inside their human resources and personnel policy they are committed with the people that are committed to work with them. -They are committed offering a stable job with permanent contracts. -They are involved in the development of their professionals offering th...

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masymas Fornés supermarkets is a family company with a 100% Valencian capital, based in Pedreguer (Alicante). Nowadays, they have 130 supermarkets distributed throughout Alicante, Valencia, Castellón and Murcia. In masymas they know that their employees are their most precious asset is their employees. Therefore inside their human resources and personnel policy they are committed with the people that are committed to work with them. -They are committed offering a stable job with permanent contracts. -They are involved in the development of their professionals offering them continuous training because in order to be the best they need to count with the most prepared workers. -They are committed with their internal promotion system that allows their employees to grow and develop their professional profile in masymas. -They are involved because they are a company which has not stop growing since they opened their first supermarket back in 1981 a constant and stable growth. -They are committed ensuring from the beginning that it is possible to have a job at the supermarket closest to the worker’s home. That’s why they look for people that want to get involved with their company and its values. Professionals that want to commit with them and with their customers.

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View Top Employees for Supermercados Masymas Fornés
img Website
img Industry Retail
img Location Pedreguer, Valencia, Spain
img Employees 339
img Founded 1981
img HQ DomicilioCtra. N. 332
img Phone 96-576-0450
img Competitors Walmart, Target, Starbucks, Lowe's Companies, Inc., The Home Depot, Walgreens,
img Website
img Industry Retail
img Location Pedreguer, Valencia, Spain
img Employees 339
img Founded 1981
img LinkedIn
img HQ DomicilioCtra. N. 332
img Phone 96-576-0450

Top Supermercados Masymas Fornés Employees