
Minapharm Pharmaceuticals

Minapharm Pharmaceuticals's phone number is +202 2414 3170 .

MINAPHARM is constantly striving to provide innovative quality medicines and services to patients in developing countries so they, too, can get a timely benefit from the latest advances in pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical research technologies. To achieve its mission and strategic goals, MINAPHARM exploits a robust research and development platform combined with strategic multi-alliances involving industry players at the forefront of the latest pharmaceutical technologies, marketing and management techniques. This way has further enabled the establishment of speciali...

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MINAPHARM is constantly striving to provide innovative quality medicines and services to patients in developing countries so they, too, can get a timely benefit from the latest advances in pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical research technologies. To achieve its mission and strategic goals, MINAPHARM exploits a robust research and development platform combined with strategic multi-alliances involving industry players at the forefront of the latest pharmaceutical technologies, marketing and management techniques. This way has further enabled the establishment of specialized lines, embracing innovative and affordable products and services in the fields of Gastroenterology, Cardiology, Ophthalmology, Orthopedics, and Uro-gynaecology.

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View Top Employees for Minapharm Pharmaceuticals
img Website minapharm.com
img Industry Pharmaceuticals
img Location Cairo, Al Qahirah, Egypt
img Employees 363
img Founded 1958
img HQ El-Bardissi Street 2T Takseem Asmaa Fahmy Street, Heliopolis
img Phone +202 2414 3170
img Competitors Walgreens Boots Allia..., Pfizer, Cvs Health, Novartis, Gsk, Bayer,
img Website minapharm.com
img Industry Pharmaceuticals
img Location Cairo, Al Qahirah, Egypt
img Employees 363
img Founded 1958
img LinkedIn linkedin.com/company/minapharm-pharmaceuticals
img HQ El-Bardissi Street 2T Takseem Asmaa Fahmy Street, Heliopolis
img Phone +202 2414 3170

Top Minapharm Pharmaceuticals Employees