Ncg Medical

Ncg Medical's phone number is +1 800-959-1906 .

Since 1979, they’ve made it their mission to provide innovative strategies and solutions that maximize your medical practice’s potential. As “techsperts” in medical practice software, they’ll work with you to better integrate your current medical billing and EHR platforms and make them more efficient, saving you money, time, and a lot of late nights. Whether you need medical billing solutions, a consultant for practice start-up, credentialing, physician-hospital integration, or anything in between, they have the answers you need to stay ahead of the curve (and the curveballs).
View Top Employees for Ncg Medical
img Employees 10
img HQ 140 N. Westmonte Drive Suite 100
img Phone +1 800-959-1906
img Competitors Envoy Group, No, Amazon Logistics, Not, Selbst Bestimmt, Wipro Technologies, Municipalidad, Mineduc, Seiem, Keiner,
img Employees 10
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img HQ 140 N. Westmonte Drive Suite 100
img Phone +1 800-959-1906