
Secureops's phone number is 1-888-982-0678 .

SecureOps is an information security company servicing Fortune 500 companies globally. It provides a full suite of security services designed to reduce the cost, complexity, and headache of gaining and maintaining world-class enterprise security and meeting compliance goals. Headquartered in downtown Montreal, Canada SecureOps was founded in 1999 to specifically to protect organizations and their critical assets from Cyber Threats. Its certified experts build and deliver tailored security services to monitor and protect our client’s most critical IT assets 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.
View Top Employees for Secureops
img Website
img Industry Computer & Network Security
img Location Montréal, Quebec, Canada
img Employees 101
img Founded 1999
img HQ 1550 Metcalfe Street, Suite 502
img Phone 1-888-982-0678
img Competitors Insidesecure, Mcafee, Palo Alto Networks, Fortinet, Check Point Software ..., Proofpoint,
img Website
img Industry Computer & Network Security
img Location Montréal, Quebec, Canada
img Employees 101
img Founded 1999
img LinkedIn
img HQ 1550 Metcalfe Street, Suite 502
img Phone 1-888-982-0678

Top Secureops Employees