Shop Apotheke

Shop Apotheke provides a comfortable and easy way to purchase non-prescription drugs and pharmacy cosmetics online. Shop Apotheke plays a pioneering role in a highly attractive market segment where growth is driven by the shift towards e-commerce as well as the steadily growing demand for non-prescription (OTC) medications and pharmacy-related beauty and personal care products. Demographic change, growing health awareness and the trend towards self-medication are driving the demand for OTC medication and pharmacy-related beauty and personal care products. The ongoing tre...

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Shop Apotheke provides a comfortable and easy way to purchase non-prescription drugs and pharmacy cosmetics online. Shop Apotheke plays a pioneering role in a highly attractive market segment where growth is driven by the shift towards e-commerce as well as the steadily growing demand for non-prescription (OTC) medications and pharmacy-related beauty and personal care products. Demographic change, growing health awareness and the trend towards self-medication are driving the demand for OTC medication and pharmacy-related beauty and personal care products. The ongoing trend towards online retail is positively influencing the growth of our markets in Europe, while at the same time our strong IT infrastructure and the country-specific cultural know-how form a solid foundation to reach our goals.

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View Top Employees for Shop Apotheke
img Website
img Industry Internet
img Location Venlo, Limburg, Netherlands
img Employees 219
img Founded 2001
img HQ Dirk Hartogweg 14
img Competitors Amazon, Google, Tencent, Uber, Youtube, Facebook,
img Website
img Industry Internet
img Location Venlo, Limburg, Netherlands
img Employees 219
img Founded 2001
img LinkedIn
img HQ Dirk Hartogweg 14

Top Shop Apotheke Employees