Silicon Studio

Silicon Studio's phone number is 03-5488-7070 .

Silicon Studio Corporation offers its users with R&D internet solutions and helps create social games. Its technologies include YEBIS 3, an advanced optical effects middleware; Motion Portrait, a CG technology to create facial animation; and Paradox, a game engine, as well as console games, and game apps and social games. Silicon Studio Corporation is a Japan-based company that was founded in 2000.
View Top Employees for Silicon Studio
img Website
img Industry Computer Software
img Location Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
img Employees 76
img Founded 2000
img HQ 1-21-3 Ebisu NR Building
img Phone 03-5488-7070
img Competitors Microsoft, Sap, Epam Systems, Vmware, Adobe, Sas,
img Website
img Industry Computer Software
img Location Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
img Employees 76
img Founded 2000
img LinkedIn
img HQ 1-21-3 Ebisu NR Building
img Phone 03-5488-7070

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