
Telnor's phone number is +52 800 123 2222 .

Telnor provides long distance telephone communication services, internet provider, similar services and business solutions since 1981. Their services such as internet, mobile, entertainment, communication, security, online store etc. They present the Telnor Business solutions that help them respond and face the challenges of infrastructure, operation, costs, as well as improve the sales of their company.
View Top Employees for Telnor
img Website
img Industry Telecommunications
img Location Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico
img Employees 387
img Phone +52 800 123 2222
img Competitors Nokia, Vodafone, Huawei Technologies, Orange, At&T, Telefónica,
img Website
img Industry Telecommunications
img Location Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico
img Employees 387
img LinkedIn
img Phone +52 800 123 2222

Top Telnor Employees