Trading Technologies

Trading Technologies's phone number is 312-476-1000 .

We make the tools that the world’s premier traders trust to maintain their edge. Because they need speed, reliability and customization. And we deliver. Our people are our real power. From our leadership team to our engineers and sales managers—many of whom started on the trading floor. That first-hand knowledge gives us insight into what traders need. But we don't stop there. We immerse ourselves in the nuances of trading to solve the industry's most interesting and complex problems. Our industry is relentless, but we know how to leverage change. We anticipate the need...

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We make the tools that the world’s premier traders trust to maintain their edge. Because they need speed, reliability and customization. And we deliver. Our people are our real power. From our leadership team to our engineers and sales managers—many of whom started on the trading floor. That first-hand knowledge gives us insight into what traders need. But we don't stop there. We immerse ourselves in the nuances of trading to solve the industry's most interesting and complex problems. Our industry is relentless, but we know how to leverage change. We anticipate the needs of traders and build for what's next.

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View Top Employees for Trading Technologies
img Website
img Industry Computer Software
img Location Chicago, Illinois, United States
img Employees 854
img Founded 1994
img HQ 222 S Riverside Plaza Suite 1100
img Phone 312-476-1000
img Competitors Microsoft, Sap, Epam Systems, Vmware, Adobe, Sas,
img Website
img Industry Computer Software
img Location Chicago, Illinois, United States
img Employees 854
img Founded 1994
img LinkedIn
img HQ 222 S Riverside Plaza Suite 1100
img Phone 312-476-1000

Top Trading Technologies Employees