

Urbanpro.Com's email is contact@urbanpro.com .

UrbanPro.com is India’s largest and most trusted Learning Network. Our vision is to be one-stop learning partner for every Indian. With over 6.5 lakhs Verified Tutors, Trainers & Institutes, we are a trusted partner of choice for more than 25 lakhs students, parents and professionals visiting us every month to fulfil learning requirements across 1000 categories. On UrbanPro.com, students can find skilled Tutors and Training Institutes that meet their learning requirement within their budget and preferred locality. Learning providers, on the other hand, can find Students ...

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UrbanPro.com is India’s largest and most trusted Learning Network. Our vision is to be one-stop learning partner for every Indian. With over 6.5 lakhs Verified Tutors, Trainers & Institutes, we are a trusted partner of choice for more than 25 lakhs students, parents and professionals visiting us every month to fulfil learning requirements across 1000 categories. On UrbanPro.com, students can find skilled Tutors and Training Institutes that meet their learning requirement within their budget and preferred locality. Learning providers, on the other hand, can find Students for the classes they conduct, for the price that works for them and grow their earnings. With a presence in all major cities across India and over 1.6 million visits a month, UrbanPro.com today is the largest education network in India.

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View Top Employees for Urbanpro.Com
img Website urbanpro.com
img Industry Consumer Services
img Location Bangalore, Karnataka, India
img Employees 331
img Founded 2011
img HQ 2nd floor,opp shoppers stop ,J.P nagar, Bannerghatta Main Road Above Papa jhons, 3rd Phase
img Email contact@urbanpro.com
img Funding 2,000,000 USD
img Competitors Otis Elevator Company, Australia Post, Zomato, Servicemaster, Great Clips, Call Center,
img Website urbanpro.com
img Industry Consumer Services
img Location Bangalore, Karnataka, India
img Employees 331
img Founded 2011
img LinkedIn linkedin.com/company/urbanpro-com
img HQ 2nd floor,opp shoppers stop ,J.P nagar, Bannerghatta Main Road Above Papa jhons, 3rd Phase
img Email contact@urbanpro.com
img Funding 2,000,000 USD

Top Urbanpro.Com Employees