Western Texas College

Western Texas College's phone number is 888-468-6982 .

A small school in Snyder, Texas, Western Texas College is an accessible college that offers a combination of academic bachelor’s degrees and professional certifications to students of different educational backgrounds. Some of the disciplines in which students may earn a bachelor’s degree include: *Biology *Drama *History *Humanities Two-year vocational certifications are designed for those who would like to quickly obtain the preparation and qualifications needed for a career. Certifications are awarded in such occupational areas as: *Computer-Aided Drafting *Early Chi...

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A small school in Snyder, Texas, Western Texas College is an accessible college that offers a combination of academic bachelor’s degrees and professional certifications to students of different educational backgrounds. Some of the disciplines in which students may earn a bachelor’s degree include: *Biology *Drama *History *Humanities Two-year vocational certifications are designed for those who would like to quickly obtain the preparation and qualifications needed for a career. Certifications are awarded in such occupational areas as: *Computer-Aided Drafting *Early Childhood Education *Emergency Medical Services *Radio Broadcasting *Vocational Nursing Student services include academic, career and personal counseling and financial aid services. Financial aid awards available at Western Texas include grants, work-study, scholarships and loans. Eligibility requirements may vary depending on the type of aid. Most types of aid are awarded based on financial need, though scholarships are often awarded according to academic merit. So that as many as possible may benefit from their programs, Western Texas generally admits any student with a high school diploma or GED and will even admit those who do not meet these qualifications but who agree to enroll in a GED-preparatory program. Career programs like Vocational Nursing may have additional requirements, such as course pre-requisites.

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View Top Employees for Western Texas College
img Website
img Industry Education Management
img Location Snyder, Texas, United States
img Employees 76
img Founded 1971
img Website
img Industry Education Management
img Location Snyder, Texas, United States
img Employees 76
img Founded 1971
img LinkedIn
img HQ 6200 College Avenue
img Phone 888-468-6982

Top Western Texas College Employees