
Yarmouk University

Yarmouk University's phone number is 962 2 721 1111 .

Yarmouk University's vision is based on the experiences of forty years of academic excellence that the university has experienced .The vision reflects the desired position of the university by 2020. The vision is based on a correct understanding of the surrounding reality of the university, the challenges it faces and the aspirations of all influential groups affected by the university's activities, In addition to a set of values that distinguish Yarmouk University.
View Top Employees for Yarmouk University
img Website yu.edu.jo
img Industry Education Management
img Location Jordan
img Employees 1,341
img Website yu.edu.jo
img Industry Education Management
img Location Jordan
img Employees 1,341
img LinkedIn linkedin.com/company/yarmouk-university
img HQ P.O Box 566
img Phone 962 2 721 1111

Top Yarmouk University Employees